President Trump’s Caravan of Lies

Johnny V. Boykins
3 min readOct 26, 2018

It is clear that President Donald J. Trump is incapable of making a completely factual statement or having an honest moment. President Trump is incapable of telling the truth. President Trump is so self-absorbed that he lacks the self-awareness required to tactfully execute the most basic duties of the office of President of the United States.

One year ago, I published “The Fabricator-in-Chief is Incapable of Telling the Truth,” all of it still rings true today. The President of the United States is a pathological liar and revels within lies with an amorality that borders immorality. President Donald Trump has occupied the Oval Office for over two years, and he doesn’t seem to realize that he is president of the United States and that every claim he makes has consequences.

President Trump has been traveling around the country in most states he carried in the 2016 election, trying to help the Republican Party perform well in the midterm elections. He is trying to relive the glory of his campaign and is now regularly and routinely engaging in misinformation, untruths, and blatant lies. In many cases, what he says is true is the complete opposite. News and fact-checking organizations such as PolitiFact keep a running list of all the false statements the President of the United States makes, sometimes, multiple times a day.

More recently, the President has taken to his famed Twitter account where he laments about everything. In a series of unrelated tweets, he lied about immigration policy, he lied about what he meant when he claimed to be a nationalist, he lied about border crimes, he lied when he suggested that secret middle easterners were infiltrating the Central American migrant crisis. The president lied about his cell phone use; he lied about Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum and the Democratic Party. He lied about the news media, CNN in particular.

The president lies about the motives of his party and protecting people’s healthcare. The president lies about some mythical middle-class tax cut that is going to happen after the election. The president lies about the progress that is being achieved under his leadership. The president lies about the economy. The president lies about his predecessors. The president continues to engage in conspiracy theories, his election, and the role his campaign played in the meddling of American elections.

The president often speaks in generalities because it is clear that he doesn’t know the facts of any given situation. The ease at which the President lies is a cause for concern. He lies about things that are easily verifiable. He lies about the trivial and mundane. He lies about the extraordinary and complex. The President lies about everything. The President is scaring his supporters with lies about the “caravan” of asylum seekers trying to make their way safely. The president is scaring his supporters with lies about some radical left-wing mob that will threaten freedom and liberty.

President Trump lies, and for most of his adult life, no one has told him to stop lying, even when he admits guilt or settles out of court or is caught on tape. The President of the United States is a liar and lies with impunity, and we must end this madness.

President Trump is categorically unfit to serve as President of the United States and Commander-in-Chief of America’s Armed Forces. President Donald Trump is exhausting. We should not let the President of the United States gas-light us like this anymore. Mr. President, I know you’ve lied to our country’s most faithful and even worse your most loyal supporters, but I think you should read John 8:32 because the truth shall set you free!



Johnny V. Boykins

Husband. Security Professional. Recovering Politico. Veteran. Bow Tie Aficionado. Chef. German Shepherd Dad. Slytherin.